Product Description
Country of Origin: China; Botanical Name: Cinnamomum cassia; Method of Extraction: Steam distillation
The effect of this essential oil fights depression, uplifts mood, is an antiviral and antibacterial agent, inhibits microbial growth, and induces warm feelings in the body and mind. The essential oil of cassia has various benefits on the digestive system and being an anti-diarrhea agent is one of them. It can be used to bind the bowels and stop diarrhea episodes. Being an antimicrobial agent, it also cures diarrhea caused by the microbial action can be used to treat nausea and to stop vomiting.
Cassia improves blood circulation and brings warmth to parts of the body affected by rheumatism and arthritis,Cassia essential oil can reduce the secretion of milk and is not recommended for lactating mothers.